Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tired, yet again.

I had a much better day yesterday than one week ago. Medication changes have helped me sleep and relieve the pain.

Cancer has metastasized into my vertebrae which was a shock to me. Dr. called us Friday evening to let us know the results of the MRI done early in the afternoon. We saw him Monday and we are staying on course with the same chemo and I'm feeling hopeful. Scared, but hopeful. I'm calling the office today to see when my brain scan and additional bone scan will be done this week.

I'm exhausted. I had a great day yesterday, but didn't rest enough. I have slept 4 hours and I'm drained. I'm already tired of having cancer and to know that it's moving around is sickening to me.

I had a great friend some over and she was so sweet to bring our family food for dinner. We visited (maybe too long Carol...I was tired when you left, but you always make me laugh) I didn't want you to go. I love my visitors so come on over! I can't wait to see you again. I love my gift and haven't' taken it off. It's on like glue and I think of you when I see it.

Nichole commented on my blog but I have no idea how to get a hold of you. I cried and cried when I read it. I think of you everyday....EVERYDAY and need to talk to you so badly. I miss you and love you. You can email me at trina dot gonzalez at hotmail dot com. I have so much to say to you and just want you to know that you mean so much to me. I have missed you for a very long time. What is your email?

My head is aching and I'm so sleepy, but I can't sleep. I just got up and read every pathology report of mine since the beginning of this hell. I realized last night I am going to have to live with this for the rest of my life. I will never know if it's completely gone, or when it will be back. I don't feel much like a fighter right at the moment. I'm living with cancer...that's what Mom says breast cancer is stated now a days. I don't want to live with cancer. I want to live without it.

Sig is having a node removed today so keep her in your prayers. She has been a big help to us and our family during this trip to hell. She's been on the road there too.

I got a wig. It's OK for a wig. I feel like a movie star in it with my Kate Spade sunglasses. I will look incognito going in for treatments. Like a movie star. (I'm losing it peeps, having delusions) My boys LOVE it and are not so scared for me to lose my hair, since they like the wig better than my NEW haircut. Stinkers. Asa keeps reminding me not to forget to cut my hair so it doesn't make a mess when it starts falling out. He hears EVERYTHING! Except when he's watching soccer and he can't hear me when I'm talking to him in his face. He answers back to me "words words words....stop talking....I can't hear my TV show!". I'm not sure if he's turning 5 in September of 15.

He has loved me being home, even if I am sick and in bed. He likes it when we are together. He hasn't liked all the appointments and tests that take me away from home. He has been great and very patient with me. He mainly talks to me about cancer when we are getting ready for bed. Then he brings up questions he must have after listening to our family talk. We always invite into the conversation so he knows that he can talk about it with us. When he has a questions that makes him feel uneasy, he asks if he can whisper in my ear. If the answer takes too long or it bores him he replies "poopy diaper pants" and leaves me immediately. He either got the idea, or he'll ask again later.

Mandy...thank you thank you. You are such a dear friend. I love them both, especially my journal. It is my medication, chemo and side effect record book. I needed one. and it's gorgeous. I'm mail you something soon. Love you :)

I'm feeling queasy today and very unstable mental wise. Lack of sleep. Head ache, but no back pain. One side effect of one of the chemo's is feet and hand numbness. It comes and goes. It literally feels like feet have been sitting in an ice water bath for hours. Soft sock help (thanks Sig) but then the sweats kick in soon after. I'm a complainer today...I'm giving me a day of feeling sorry for myself. I deserve it. Tomorrow is another day.

I have genetic testing today, to test for the "mutated" gene that causes cancer. We'll see what comes of that. Kind of late now...I've had cancer twice in my life before age 40. I'm saying it's positive.

Grama is having the children today and if I feel well enough after genetic testing, Sissy will meet mom and I for lunch. Thank you Grama for helping with the kids. I love you.

Many of you have asked what you can do or send to me. I have a REQUEST! My bible is getting more and more full of scriptures, but I have NO BOOKMARKS! I mentioned it to mom and she said that there are a lot of you that would probably like to do that for me. No pressure, just something small that I need and I would love some from my cyber family. It would also remind me of your constant thoughts and prayers for me. I keep all cards that I have gotten from so many of you with me at my bed side table. I just shake my head and smile when I look at the piles. I am blessed....but still feeling sorry for myself today :) I also love travel/tourist magazines (free ones in touristy towns) I could look at those for hours as they are an easy read and I dream of traveling all over the US SOMEDAY. DREAM. Those books help me along in my dream. So many of you don't live near me and I think it would be cool to see where some of you like to vacation and travel too. Thank you all.

Disneyland seems so far away. I have 17 more treatments to go. Less God willing. I need to magazine travel until that time :) I barely have energy to to to treatment and the store for 45 minutes...and not on the same day. Too MUCH.

I have some more pictures to post...just not much energy (have I mentioned I don't have much energy?) I have some chemo induced photos of my hot self. I'm sure you won't want to miss those.

I love you guys and love your prayers and tomorrow is another day. If some of you comment, let me know of a miracle you have had today. I am so blessed and do feel my miracles, but this whole vertebrae stuff has me in the dumps. I need some stories peeps. Positive ones.

I'm tired. I'm going to try to get another hour of sleep. This has helped my fear somewhat, so thank you for that.

Good luck Sig.....Cheers to the strong, the bald and the port-full. Eat up that cheeseburger girl.


Grama said...

Trina I love you so much and am so sorry this is happening to you. I still think God gave you Asa as a miracle you can cling to. He is so smart. Grama's house is a cancer free zone where no one has to talk about it. IF Asa ever wants to talk to me he can but we don't bring anything up. I'm sure you are beautiful in your wig since you are beautiful inside and out. You are always in our prayers.

Krystal said...

Trina, I hope that you have a restful day and that you get to enjoy a little time out with your mom & sis. I continute to pray for many blessings for you and your family.

Rose said...

I think it is a miracle to have your amazing family, esp a sister. I thank God that my girls have each other for life!

Cameo said...

well, I'M feeling strong today which is a HUGE miracle, given my typically shitty outlook on this fuckingcancer that is messing with my sissy!!!! So there! I'm strong today, mom is strong today, use us. Lean on us today. You never know when I might turn back into mega bitch and go all crazy ass on cancer!!! I love you sissy. I'm glad you are able to write things out and let people know what they can do for you. And don't forget, at the halfway point WE'RE GOING BACK TO THE BEACH!!!! We'll do it on your week off and HAVE A FANTASTIC TIME!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trina, it is so so nice to see yur blog. I am so sorry for your sapped energy and the fact that it has spread to your vertebrae.I think of you and pray for you often. Kick butt on that cancer, and good luck with the genetic testing.

Hugs, MT II

Anonymous said...

Trina, I am a guatemom that has been following your sisters blog and now yours. I wanted to tell you how brave I think you are and what a sweet spirited person you are. I am praying for you and your family for healing and strength.

B'ham, Al

Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog as well as your sisters for some time. I was so sad when I heard you were diagnosed with cancer again. I think of you often and pray for you daily. You are an amazing person, and you have an amazing family. With your determination and positive attitude you will kick this cancers ass. Stay strong and remember you have people praying for you all over the United States. By the way.. do you have a p.o. box where I could send a card? I know you can not give out your address on-line, but I would sure like to send you something to brighten up your day. Praying for a miracle...Sarah from Texas.

Greta Jo said...

Trina, Your strenght is unbelievable. Praise God! I would love to send you something from NJ. Do you have a PO Box?
Prayers coming your way!

Rhonda said...

OK Trina, I have a positive story for you that happened today. It may be long, so bare with me.
Joe has an Aunt that is 85 years old. When Katrina hit, she had water up to her ceiling in her house. Well, we would not let her go into the contamination, with the mold and bateria. So Joe and I took it upon ourselves to try to salvage some thing from Aunt Anna's house. It took us many days in disgusting smelly conditions, but we were able to gather some of her things. I brought them home and washed and soaked things in bleach. I wrapped her items in newspaper and stored them in my garage till she was able to go through everything.
Well, today we was able to go through everything. It made me so happy to see her face when I would unwrap something and she would tell me the story behing that particular item. She was so happy to see all the things I was able to save for her.
We came upon a box that had a wedding guest book, wedding cake topper, crystal glasses, and other wedding items. We finally figured out who it belonged to. It was Joe's cousin Melanie's things that she thought she had lost forever from Katrina. She forgot that she had put the box in Aunt Anna's attic. When we called Melanie and told her what we had, she was so excited.
I felt so good today, knowing that I was able to save some of their prized possessions.
Aunt Anna now has a little bit of her past back. It felt like she got her memories back.
It was a good day.
I am praying every day for you. I pray tomorrow is a good day for you.
Hang in there my friend.

Tracey said...

You are one incerdible woman!! I think you are so brave and STRONG!
Get rest, know that you are loved and TOMORROW miracles will happen!!

Loves you!!!

Kate said...

Try to take it easy Trina. Your body is being taxed enough...don't overdo it. You need every ounce of strength to fight the cancer. So be kind to yourself. :)

Hugs and prayers to you,

Sig said...

Oh Trina, I want to beam up to you (why can't we do that yet?) and hug you to death. First off, I LOVED that cheeseburger. I am going to send DH to get me another today (love that cancer card...) You go ahead and feel sorry for yourself, you deserve it. But then shake it off. COme on, you can do this and you can do it better than anyone I know.
Yup, you got the gene, so what. No mutated gene or breast cancer is gonna get you. Even if it in your bones, your brain, your vjayjay, whatever. You'll beat it.
Next time I see a pic, I wanna see a smiley face around your port. I'll do it for you too if you would like. Matchy matchy ports. I like that idea.
Love ya. And you'll get more stuff from me as soon as I can get my ass out of bed.

Alaska Family said...

Trina...we are praying for you today, and thinking about you as well...we hope that today wont be as hard as your expecting. We love you all so much...

Crystal said...

Dear sweet Trina --you girlfriend are just as cute as you can possibly be! --Has Cameo told you how much I adore her sissy and her Beya?! You guys are awesome!!!

I want you to know I am praying hard for you --you are going to beat this!--and I can't wait to see all of the miracles he has in store for you

Praying hard and waiting with you all

HUGS to you sweet sweet Trina hugs to you

Anonymous said...

Hey Trina,
I love your hair.............Just wnated to say "Hi" and am glad you liked your little gift. I am checking on you everyday through your and Cameos blogs. I'll see you in a week or so with Elephants in you much,

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