Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Emotions are CRAZY!

I have been busy the last week with tests and Dr. appointments, so the thought of cancer has been in my mind. But, the last 2 days it has been constant with fears of the worst. I am trying to stay strong but am crying too much. I'm writing this not really to post, but as a diary of my thoughts. Joshua thought it would be a good idea for me to document my feelings and hopefully feel better emotionally. This may not make sense since my mind is running. My mother in law told me to try to imagine my "fetus" as going to heaven and that God will hold it in His hand. My baby will be an angel and take care of Asa and us as we grow old. I'm kind of clinging to that fact as it's the only thing that is helping me right now. I'm so scared of treatment. Walking in the room where treatment is given brought back gross memories and the smells that made me sick. I'm dreading it.

I'm scared that the bone scan will come back positive and then I'm in real trouble. I'm honestly trying to think positive, but I'm so scared too. I'm tired of thinking and worrying. I can't quite bring myself to leave it with God yet. I leave everything else up to Him, but this is different. I can't explain it.

I want to live long so I can see Asa grow up and be a confident young man. I'm so scared. I don't want to die.

I miss my Grandmother being alive to pray for me.

Even though I have so many people praying and thinking of me, I have a great family support I still feel alone. I'm so scared. Josh is going back to work on Wednesday night and I'm dreading it. He has been so good for me and is the best caregiver. I love him so much.

I sit here writing and crying, but yet happy. I'm happy for my husband and my son, and my family. It's Mother's Day and I'm blessed to be a Mother. I'm laughing now thinking of how cute Asa and Josh must look, shopping at the grocery store for cake mix and home essentials. Asa was adamant that he make me a cake for Mother's Day. Josh is making sure I'm eating fruits and vegetables. He's shoving them down my throat feeding them to me. I'll be in the bedroom resting and here he comes, with a bowl of berries making me eat bites. Antioxidants he says...they are good for me.

I am feeling better now. I'm everywhere emotionally, and I'm getting closer to letting God take this for me. I know I have to, I guess I don't want to lose control, even though I'm pretty much out of control.

I'm posting this picture of Asa and I from when we were at the beach last month. This is the only picture I have of us where I think that we resemble each other. I love how he is clinging to me. He needs me.

Please continue to pray that my bone scan is clear and that I can just give this whole huge mess to God. I need some peace.

I love you all :)


Alaska Family said...

We are not going to give up on you, this cancer does not have as much power as the power of God. Many prayers for you....nonstop. All our love.

GMom said...

Trina I think of you constantly I am so hoping for good results with your Bone scan

Love Gmom

Kelly said...

Trina , you are in my prayers. I hope you have a great Mother's Day and enjoy your beautiful cake that Asa is gonna make you!!!!! Hugs

Amanda said...


I just don't even know what to say but please PLEASE know that you have such an AWESOME support team!!! You are an important person, friend, sissy, tia, wife and MOM. I have faith that you will come through this.

Your baby will be in heaven... a very special guardian angel just like my niece Kennedy.

Much love to you Trina, Josh and Asa.


Grama said...

Happy Mother's Day. i love you so much. Enjoy your cake. Hugs and kisses to all the family.

Kim said...

You will get there - you need to work through the "grieving" process and then you will be ready to turn this over to God. Many prayers are being sent up on your behalf. I hope you have a GREAT mother's day.

HollyGee said...


I'm sure everything you are feeling is normal but I hate that you have to feel them. I hate that this is not the first time that you are feeling them. I hate cancer!

I'm glad your two boys are taking such good care of you. You have alot of people rooting for you.

And am I the ONLY person who thinks that Asa looks EXACTLY like you? I tell Cams all of the time. I think he is the spitting image of you.

Love you Trina,

Anonymous said...

The California Familia is thinking bout you all the time. We all love you so much. Our lives have all changed with yours. We are in constant prayer. Believe me if you knew how much your tia's pray. If you can remember how much ama prayed just imagine how much your tia's and the rest of us are doing. We love you soooooo much. Cousin Ang

Sig said...

It WILL be clear. God is good. And good for you for feeling better.
A box coming your way, I hope you like it all.

Marianne said...

I am praying that the bone scan is clear. Everything you wrote really resonated with me. I too have struggled turning everything over to God during times of trouble in my life. Although I know in my heart that is what I needed to do, sometimes it is just so hard. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be when you are facing the things you are. I pray that you will be able to turn over this pain, worry and heartache to him and that you will be comforted this week.

Tracey said...

You are incredible!! I am proud to know such a strong woman! I think Asa looks alot like you, what a great pic!!! How did the soccer game go?

Hang on sister, we have some ass whoopin to do!!!

Deb said...


I am praying for you. Enjoy your boys and your family.

Love and hugs,

joe said...

God bless you trina. i am happy you have so much support. such a blessing. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me..."

Greta Jo said...

Trina- You were on my mind all day today. Many prayers coming your way from NJ.


Kate said...

Hang in there Trina. Lean on those around you until you can fully lean on God. Prayers being said for some good news soon.