Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hurting, Crying and So Sad

I'm experiencing the worst time of my life. I can't shake the thought of cancer. It's with me constantly. I try really hard, but it's so heavy. I know I will fight it,'s overwhelming.

I miss my baby so much. It's almost too much to bear. I can't stop thinking about that too. I have been talking with a grief counselor off and on today. I cry, then I'm OK, and I can't stop crying again. I'm exhausted.

I don't have the results from the bone scan. Probably not until tomorrow. I am having an MRI on my breasts sometime next week. After the biopsy, the cancer is no ER/PR receptive, as it was last time, so my chemo will be different. With that biopsy, it could mean that I have breast cancer in my breast somewhere now. My mind is just racing and I feel like I'm spinning so fast. I just want to sleep and sleep and wake up and not have this happening. I feel guilty for feeling like this. I am blessed to have a wonderful family, and other's have it much worse than me, but I'm devastated and so sad. I have never been this sad in my life. I'm so scared. I don't want to have to do chemo again. I said I never would after the last time. I have to for Asa. I have to, but I don't want to. I just want this to be a dream.

When I'm with my family, we try to keep it light, but it's on our mind. I miss my sister and our mindless chatter. I miss my life from 2 weeks ago. I miss my baby most of all. I miss worrying about it, wondering if I'm sleeping enough, drinking enough water, taking my pre-natals, wearing my pants too tight? Am I squishing the baby? It's gone now. My baby is GONE!

Sunday I am having my surgery to have my medi-port put in my chest. I didn't have one last time and I wished that I had. Chemo will be once a week for 6 months, so that will save a bit on my arm veins.

Candy, I'm wearing my kick ass shirt you sent me :) I feel powerful with it on.

Sig, thank you for your box of inspirational goodies. I cried going through the books, knowing that I will be needing them, wishing that I didn't.

My heart physically hurts. I have faith, love GOD, but am having a hard time coping with this all. Our lives have just been completely turned upside down and I'm so MAD ABOUT IT! I want things the way they were. I keep squeezing my eyes together hoping that this is a dream. I miss my old life. I didn't take it for granted, I thanked God for every minute of our health and our happiness and I can't believe this.

I just want it to be behind me already.


Your Alaska Family said...


We love you so much, and are so sorry for everything that you are going through. We cant even imagine the pain you have. Know that you are in our hearts and prayers always, and that we love you.

Kim said...

Trina - I haven't been through what you are going through so I can't imagine. But, it sure sounds like your emotions and feelings are right on.

Of course you are mad - sad - hurting - crying. I think all of these things are normal and expected. It doesn't mean that you aren't ready to kick cancer's ass. You are and you will be. Keep working through these emotions. Keep coming to us - or whoever you feel the most comfortable with - and express these feelings. We will listen - pray - hold you up - and rejoice with you when you make it through to the other side of this nightmare.

Anonymous said...

Trina Know that we all love you very much and we all wish this was not happening to you.. If it helps or even puts the hint of a smile on your face, i really think you need a camoflage shirt to wear when you march into Chemo on Tuesdays.... Because if you are gonna fight it like we all know you are cuz you are the Warrior.... you will need your camo for chemo shirt... Take a book of funny sayings that Asa has said to you with you to Chemo to help keep the smile in your heart. I and all my friends are praying for you... Now go fight the battle close your eyes and shoot down everyone one of those nasty cancer cells..
Hugs Love and Warrior War Hoops.

Krystal said...

Dear Trina - I am praying for you and sending so much love and positive energy your way. I am sorry that you are hurting. I am so, so sorry that you had to say goodbye to your baby. I am just so sorry.

I am praying for your comfort, for your strength, and for your healing!

Mandy said...

My heart is breaking for you my friend. I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. I do know that you are an amazing person. You just have to feel all the emotions you are going through. Let other be strong for you. You have been in my thoughts constantly lately.


Madelyn's Mommy said...

Father God,
Right now I just come to you on behalf of Trina. Right now God I just pray that you will wrap your strong loving arms around her. I know that right now you are holding her tiny little angel in your arms. Father right now I ask you to HEAL Trina. I pray God that right now you will take this cancer from her body and make her a walking miracle and testimony for you. Lord, I ask that you let Trina and her family feel your grace. Lord I pray that they have a feeling of peace and love wash over them that only You can give them. Lord we will praise you for what you have in store for this family.

In YOUR name I pray.


Trina I am praying. I can't even begin to imagine the pain you are going through. But I committ to you right now to life you up daily in prayer.


GMom said...


I don't know what to say, you are on my mind all Day. I can not imagine the Pain you are feeling. I also feel so bad for your Husband no one knows what he is Feeling and he must be scared to as is the rest of your Family.
Stay strong and take it one Day at a time you will kick this Monster's Ass

Love Gmom

Rhonda said...

Scream from the top of roof top. I AM MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE. Now kick this cancers ass.

Kate said...

I don't know what to say Trina, except that I'm so sorry your lives have been shook up this way. I am thinking of you and praying for you, that you will find the strength to get through this.

Thanks for the update. I've been checking to see if you posted.

Hugs to you....Kate

Your Alaska Family said...

We prayed for you tonight. This verse came up...
Psalm 16:11
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

With all our love.

Sonia said...

Trina, my heart hurts for you. I can't even begin to imagine how you are feeling. God will carry you through this. Just keep leaning on Him. You are always in my prayers. I love you.

Andrea said...


I'm so sorry that you have to fight this battle again, and even more so, for the loss of your baby. I can't begin to imagine what you're going through. I will be praying for you and your family everyday. I love you much.

Type (little) a aka Michele said...

Trina, I'm heartbroken for you. I know too well how it feels to miss your baby. It's so unfair. All of it. Kisses.

Jill said...

Love, Hugs, Healing.

I am here for you every day.

I am praying for you every day - so many of us are.

Tracey said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I am guilty of overlooking the loss and only thinking about cancer. I feel terrible:(. Losing a baby sucks, I am so sorry!!! I am so sorry that you have to go through all of this!!! You know that we are praying for you and will help you with whatever you need! You are so very loved!!!

Doripink said...

Thinking about you....Praying for you...wishing somehow it would all go away!

Amy said...

Trina, you have a wonderful and supportive family and through Cameo your Guatemama family is praying for you too...I am a breast cancer survivor. I am so sorry for the loss of your baby...unfortunately I too know what that is like. I developed a staph infection and lost a child, a baby boy at 25 weeks so I feel your pain with that one..everyday gets a little easier. I am praying for your strength and healing

melissa said...

I have no words - I'm just SO sad for you.....

Sig said...

I was almost too afraid to come to your blg and read your words. I knew i would end up crfying, as I am.
I remember all too well the feelings you have now. It was only a year ago (exactly ) that I was going through all those feelings. Cancer was the first thing and ast things on my mind, and every other minute in between. It is a nightmare you desperately want to wake up from.
yet, you know you will learn even more from this time around than last.
You will LOVE the port, it was my best friend, truly. (a tip- put ice on it afterwards, no one tells you that!)
Your baby...I lost quite a few and had to have a D & C of a baby that did not live.
Trina, call me if you need or want to, I have BTDT and can cry with you, or just listen.
All my love, hugs and kisses.

bodegalee said...

Oh Trina
I'm so very sorry! Words can't express. I dont know you.. but thru your sisters' blog know of your great family and relationships you all share. I'm just devastated for you and have thought of you non-stop. I can only imagine. Pls remember(ok I'm a nurse.. so nurse hat on) that your hormones are kicking in which is NOT to say that you dont feel what you do.. You dooo! And you're going thru such a flippin' quadruple whammy (ok I didnt really count, but know it's up there). PLEASE know you have sooo many folks praying for you... You are going to kick this thing to tim-buk-tu and beyond and we will all be here to support you til you do! I'm so very sorry you're going thru all this and again can only begin to imagine all you're dealing with. My thoughts and prayers are with you.. If there's something here in CA I can get you.. pls let me know and I"ll be sending it your way!