Friday, November 7, 2008


Sissy and I had a great Sissy day yesterday. We did have the children though. After I got off work, we drove to Portland to eat lunch at Cheesecake Factory. The kids were great. After that, Sissy decided it was a perfect time to go to Build a Bear.

In the back of my mind, I'm thinking...nope, don't think so. I had really wanted to go there with Sissy, ALONE, no children and get her a Holly Moose for her birthday. We have wanted our own Build a Bear for quite a while (I know, we're nerds) and since Sissy has everything she wants or needs I figured that was a good idea and she would have it forever. I knew she wanted to go badly, and I didn't want to be a fun wrecker, so I caved. I told Asa in advance that he wasn't not stuffing a bear. He could get an outfit. Well....of course we get there and chaos ensues. Asa starts crying because he wants a penguin, Valentina wants a moose and I'm thinking, I want to take Asa out to the car because I'm not caving. So instead, Sissy caved. She bought him a bear and told him no clothes though. Again, she caved and got bear a shirt. Meanwhile, while I'm wrangling Asa in the store, Valentina is running away from Sissy and every once in a while I hear "VALENTINA, NO!" Then I hear Valentina answer back "NO!". She was a firecracker. Needless to say, my idea and thoughts of me and sissy going alone to Build a Bear had been shattered. An hour later and sissy going broke (it was for HER birthday and she insisted on paying) we left the store. I was drained, the kids were tired and Sissy looked the happiest I had seen her in a while. I guess that's all that mattered. I really don't know how she takes care of both of the kids and then can shop WITH the kids and still be patient and love them the way that she does, she just a natural I guess.

On the way home, both kids were asleep by 4pm. I drug Asa into his room around 4:30, still asleep, expecting him to wake up. He didn't. He slept until this morning at 6am. I guess Build a Bear had worn him out too. It was nice to have my evening all to myself. I watched Survivor and 30 Rock, but only after spending over an hour on Facebook, playing Bubble Town. I think I may need an intervention. Mob Wars ain't got NOTHING on Bubble Town.

I have been stressed about regular life things this week and making it OK. With my hours being cut at work, I'm really trying to stretch our budget. And with vacation coming up in a week, I'm trying not to panic. Work has been hell too. It always has been, but there's not a lot of work out there at the moment and God knows I've been looking. I could use some prayers and good thoughts for me and our little family. Things always work out in the end, but getting to that point is a rough road.

After work today, Sissy, the kids and I are going to Goldendale to spend the day. My favorite Aunt Margo will be there for a couple of days and we don't want to miss her. It will be a quick long trip, but Sissy and I will enjoy just being together. We need prayers and good thoughts that we will have a safe trip. The rain is hard today and the drive along the Columbia River gorge is always a little bit scary when it's raining hard and in the dark. Sissy is a great driver though. Even though she's a race car driver.

Tuesday of course was election day. It was very emotional for me, as it was for so many others. I shoved Asa in front of the TV when Obama was speaking. I told Asa to watch and remember that this was history and he would read about it in school one day and to never forget what a milestone this was. He wanted to go to bed, but I made him watch the news coverage.

Now comes the hard part. Mom had told me the next morning that we now have to pray for President Elect Obama, to keep he and his family safe and for the guidance he needs to help our country that's in crisis. The wars, the hunger, the threats, the genocides and the economy troubles are still here and there. It is very sobering. It will be a long road and things will never be perfect or in order, but we have to pray that change will happen. Any change will be an improvement, for us and the world.

Well, we will be off in a couple of hours for our Thelma and Louise adventure. Sissy and I loved that movie and saw it together years ago. Anytime we would get in a car together, we would turn to each other and say we were Thelma and Louise. Of course we didn't want to end UP like Thelma and Louise, but I still think of us as being adventurous and always making each other laugh. We are healthy, happy and the kids are great, so cheers to another great weekend!

Shake 'n BAKE!


Lori said...

I'm sending prayers for a safe and fun trip!
Love you guys!

Mandy said...

Have a great trip!

Yesterday sounds like a lot of fun! Cheesecake Factory and Build A Bear? WOOHOO! Where are the pictures there missy? LOL.

Cameo said...

oh Mandy, Mandy, Mandy, you've never taken TWO children, two TIRED children to BAB, have you? And you want PICTURES???? Hell to the no! Sissy, I didn't know you didn't want to go to BAB!!!! I was having second thoughts myself, but hey, we got what we (I) wanted. I'm sorry you didn't get an outfit for your bear. I love you! I'm almost ready for G'dale!

Mandy said...

LMAO, heck no I have never taken two tired children to a Build A you think I am crazy! I have gone in with friends from college and acted like a little kid myself, does that count?

Amanda said...

I had to read your Obama comment to the girls in the office. And then had to remind the new girl that Asa is only 4! :0)

So, it was YOU that sent me that friggin bubble town game. OHMYGOD!!!! I am sooooo addicted!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun...atleast, from a distance...Hope you guys have a great trip...Miss you!

~Christina, for everyone

Rhonda said...

Be very careful going to Goldendale. Have a great time.
Obama's speech made me cry. I am so happy!!!! He has a hard job ahead of him, but I have confidence in him.
And McCann's speech was the most humble I have ever seen him. He touched me that night too.

Grama said...

Loved your comments and definitely will be praying for your family. I know it is hard getting there but I believe God has something in store for you.
So funny about bab and how tired the kids were. I am so sorry I was sick and couldn't take them for you.
Love you all. Have a great weekend.

terri s said...

Cheescake Factory. Yum!
BAB. Our fav, and that is one of the traditions we do for our Gotcha/Family days in my house.

You MUST introduce me to Bubble Town. I didn't get into Mob Wars--sorry, I think you tryied to recruit me, but B'Town sounds like it might be fun.

Well, didn't vote for Obama, but I will support him with my prayers. I know every president needs them, no matter what. But I must ask about the genocides, what did you mean by that? Do you mean in other places, like Darfur?

Hope you had a GREAT weekend in G'dale with your sister and the kids.